Do’s & don’ts of healing histamine intolerance

Dos and Don'ts words on a gold scale to illustrate tips or advice on what you must do or perform vs actions to avoid

Going to the doctor to nail down a diagnosis is like a game of chess; or arm wrestling. Say the wrong (but true) thing, and you’re tossed out on your butt and labelled difficult, or even worse, unstable. I’ve been through it all myself, unsuccessfully for decades, till I figured out how to work the […]

The Histamine (Intolerance) Reset

reset green button, 3D rendering

   Were you naughty or nice this turkey day? I used to agonise over whether to be “good”, or just throw all caution to the wind and devour everything in sight: napkin, tablecloth and all. The latter left me beating myself up for days. I now understand that I can enjoy what I want, as […]

Diagnosing Histamine Intolerance

test tubes in a row on grey background

Researchers at the  at the University of Barcelona have come up with a quick, efficient, and reliable test for histamine intolerance that yields results in just over ten minutes. While the test isn’t yet commercially available, there’s currently other ways to test histamine. Histamine intolerance is defined as an excess of the inflammatory molecule histamine. […]

Avoid These Common Ingredients If You Have Histamine Intolerance

set of of food colorants, food additives

Some of the following ingredients, which are commonly found in health foods too, either directly raise histamine, or trigger inflammation generally. The latter is something to be avoided at all costs, especially when there’s no good reason to keep them in the diet. Inflammation compounds. You can have a normal-ish histamine level, but if your […]

Healing The Brain To Heal The Body: Online Workshop (Yasmina in her own voice)

Continue Shopping $48.00 Please Note: This is a recording of the live online event  In Yasmina’s words, “Healing my body turned out to be 10% diet and 90% brain. A bold statement I’m sure, but it’s the truth.” One of the most life changing set of studies we’ve ever read is about how scientists can provoke […]

Food Re-Introduction: Online Workshop (Yasmina in her own voice)

Continue Shopping $45.00 The traditional low histamine diet can be a restrictive, soul destroying, and not particularly effective healing approach. So why do we do it?  In a previous workshop, Beyond the Low Histamine Diet, we explored histamine intolerance, mast cell activation, diagnosis, and supplements. We also learned about different types of supplements and how exercise and happiness […]

How Histamine Affects Sleep

Sleepy russian blue cat in a striped yellow hammock

Histamine plays an important role in the body. It can affect blood pressure and libido, protect us against seizures (though it triggered a few in my case), get the healing started when we’re injured, and as a neurotransmitter, it affects how (or whether) we sleep. Interestingly, how well we sleep also affects histamine levels. All […]





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