Food Re-Introduction: Online Workshop (Yasmina in her own voice)

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The traditional low histamine diet can be a restrictive, soul destroying, and not particularly effective healing approach.

So why do we do it? 

In a previous workshop, Beyond the Low Histamine Diet, we explored histamine intolerance, mast cell activation, diagnosis, and supplements. We also learned about different types of supplements and how exercise and happiness affect histamine, and our lives in general. And in the Healing the Brain to Heal the Body, we also learned how to fix negative beliefs and emotional baggage that could be causing stress-related mast cell activation and histamine release.

But Yasmina purposely left out her food re-introduction techniques… Until now.

Why did she leave this information out?

Because there’s much work to do before we can begin thinking of re-introducing foods. It’s essential that we understand the role that the brain and stress play in the healing and sickness process.

The low histamine diet wasn’t meant to be a way of life. It was created as a four week elimination diet to help reset the system and figure out what’s bothering us before re-introducing foods one by one at the end of it.

The problem is that so few of us are able to go back to eating the way we did before, or are just unwilling to once we experience the relief these four weeks brings.

(In Yasmina’s case, it took longer than a month.)

So, we keep on going, and going, and going, until we’re left with four or five foods that are tasteless and not particularly nourishing.

Until anger and frustration get the better of us.

People not familiar with this condition, with the “doggy in the window” syndrome it triggers, think this is an exaggeration.

We’d like to see how they’d feel if sentenced to spend the next five years eating the same bland foods day in day out while watching everyone around them indulging in all their favorite foods, seemingly with not a care in the world, while those they lean on for support tell them they’re out of their mind and nothing’s wrong with them.

Thankfully, there’s an approach that worked for Yasmina, that’s worked for us, and for thousands of others. There are no guarantees, but approaching this in a common sense way, with the collaboration of your doctor, is a good place to get inspiration.

Yasmina not only worked her way up from the four or five foods she could initially eat, but also to the point of eating pretty much whatever she wanted (in moderation and well timed), as long as it was healthy food.

That’s included such notoriously high histamine foods as fish (high histamine only if not super fresh), shellfish, iodine and B12 supplements, pineapple, strawberries, most nuts, fermented foods, cacao, and much more.

We’ll lean on meditation, neural retraining techniques, and plain old common sense (that’s so hard to maintain when malnourished and desperate).

The workshop covers…

  • Why we eliminate
  • Safe elimination
  • Why long term elimination fails
  • The Elimination Treadmill
  • The basics of the Four Week Elimination Diet
  • When to re-introduce
  • What to re-introduce
  • Managing social situations
  • How not to lose your mind in the supermarket
  • Re-introduction strategies

Bonus gifts

2 hour live Q&A recorded on August 1st 2017: Answers to most commonly asked questions submitted by email on the live workshop following the event.

Beach visualization Mp3: A 20 minute visualization Yasmina used for years to help chill out her inflammatory stress.

Dinner table meditation Mp3: 20 minute meditation audio that can be practiced at the dinner table. Yasmina used this mindfulness technique to reduce her mealtime-related stress.

32 page Food Re-Introduction PDF: A quick reference guide for the food re-introduction techniques discussed in the workshop.

Workshop transcript PDF: Because sometimes you just want it in hard copy so you can go to town on it with a highlighter pen.

What Yasmina does not tell you in this workshop…

Frequency of foods or amounts – No one can tell you this; if they say they can, they’re lying! Your body is the best guide. Please note, you will have to consult with a doctor if you wish to try any of Yasmina’s techniques. She was not a doctor and this workshop is not suitable for anyone who has had mild to significant reactions to food. 


This workshop is for informational purposes only. You must share its contents with a medical practitioner if you plan to try any of the methods contained within. That said, it’s not meant to be a “how to” but rather to offer ideas to be explored under supervision. We highly recommend starting with one of Yasmina’s other workshops first, as this one builds on what was covered in the others.