Histamine Intolerance (HIT), Histaminosis, Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD, MCAS, MCA), Mastocytosis, Systemic Mastocytosis are histamine disorders. Other conditions with a histamine/mast cell element are: Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Narcolepsy, IBS, Crohn’s, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and migraines. Yasmina’s symptoms are listed at the bottom.
As per Mastocytosis Canada’s website…check out www.mastcellmaster.com for more information.
(Yasmina had about 56 of these 58 symptoms – She got to the point where she had only around 3 – 5, intermittently and very mildly)
Skin rash, spots, redness, hives, persistent fatigue, itching, flushing & severe sweating, joint, bone pain, headaches, tachycardia (racing heartrate), eyes tearing/dry, eye pain, persistent body/tissue pain, difficulty exercising, vertigo, episodes of low body temperature, unexplained Vitamin B12 deficiency, scents/odors/chemical reactions, difficult menses (females), numbness & tingling in face and extremities, skin feels on fire, unexplained anxiety, sudden drops in blood pressure, fainting, persistent diarrhea, vomiting, unexplained weight loss, cognitive impairment, sinus problems, chest pain, vision problems, hair loss, mouth sores, nausea, swelling & inflammation, odd reactions to insect stings, anesthesia difficulties, anemia, thyroid problems, decreased bone density, unexplained weakness, shortness of breath, sunlight sensitivity, temperature (hot/cold) sensitivity, difficulty with foods, drinks, anaphylactoid reactions, anaphylaxis, gastrointestinal pain, bloating, unexplained medication reactions, enlarged liver/spleen, liver/spleen/bladder/kidney pain, enlarged lymph nodes, frequent urination, recurring infections, neuropathic pain, constipation (MCAS), iron deficiency, unexplained bruising, bleeding, malabsorption, intermittent tinnitus or hearing problems, skin lesions or sores (mastocytosis).

“UTI symptoms/peeing 20-30 times a night, constant unexplained anxiety, mania and depression, sleepiness, constipation, vertigo, fibrocystic breasts, buzzing in fingers and feet/legs, blurry vision, severe itching, numbness in one side of face, muscle spasms, stabbing pain in lower and upper back, severe right lower quadrant pain (mistaken for appendicitis), nystagmus (involuntary eye movements), eye floaters, monthly ovarian cysts that would rupture, severe lymphocytosis, severe bone pain, freezing cold in summer, Raynaud’s (ice cold hands and feet), menopausal symptoms (sweating at night, hot flashes), breathlessness, severe nausea, vomiting, shaking, vertigo, anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid shock, severe palpitations, passing out after eating/paralysis, all over rash and hives, leg cramps, asthma like symptoms, seizures, eyes rolling back into head, unexplained bruising, nightmares, night terrors, neuropathy (neuropathic pain), constipation, persistent diarrhea, recurring infections, sinusitis, enlarged lymph nodes, constant tinnitus, liver/spleen/bladder/kidney pain, weird reactions to medicines, hives, severe gastrointestinal pain and bloating, persistent skin rash, spots, redness, hives, persistent fatigue, severe insomnia, migraine, feeling like I’m coming down with the flu (for weeks), tachycardia (racing heartrate), eyes tearing/dry, eye pain, passing out while exercising, very low body temperature, scents/odors/chemical reactions, difficult menses (cycle all over the place), numbness & tingling in face and extremities, skin feels on fire, sudden drops in blood pressure, fainting, vomiting, unexplained weight gain, severe water retention, cognitive impairment/brain fog/unable to remember my phone number (also known as organic brain syndrome), severe hair loss (a third of my hair), mouth sores, swelling & inflammation, odd reactions to insect stings (passed out, BP drop), anesthesia difficulties (two severe reactions), anemia, unexplained weakness (too weak to raise my head off the pillow when bed bound for weeks, shortness of breath, temperature (hot/cold) sensitivity. Oh and here’s a fun one: the veins in my hands would pop out. Really pop out! I now have one – three of these, once in a while, mildly. These symptoms would rotate. Why so many? Mast cells are involved in almost every body process.”
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