What Your Doctor Needs To Know About Histamine

One of the most frustrating things for a histamine intolerance sufferer is the lack of knowledge and understanding amongst medical doctors. Here’s a helpful list of histamine facts and concepts to share so that you and your doctor can work together to get you on the road to healing. WHAT IS HISTAMINE? Wikipedia has a […]

4 Things You Should Do Every Morning (When You Have Histamine Intolerance)

happy kid girl waking up in the morning in her bedroom with dog in bed

People often ask how to get started addressing their histamine intolerance. How you begin each day can make a huge difference in how you’ll feel the rest of the day. Start your day off right by following the suggestions below. DON’T RUSH TO BREAKFAST Unless you have a pre-existing condition or hypoglycemia, light fasting might […]

The Genetics of Histamine Intolerance

Digital models of DNA structure with problem element on abstract blue background. 3d render genetics of histamine intolerance

Are genetics involved in histamine intolerance? The research says, “yes.” However, genes aren’t the be all and end all when it comes to this state or condition. There are many things we can do to turn off the effects of genes and live with good health and vitality. This post will be most useful to […]

Vitamin C, Nature’s Best Antihistamine For Histamine Intolerance?

powdered camu camu antihistamine for histamine intolerance

Vitamin C is an antihistamine compound with significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that could be perfectly suited to histamine intolerance. Choosing the right one though can be tricky. Here’s how to navigate the crowded supplement market and maximise Vitamin C’s benefits on histamine. ANTIHISTAMINE VITAMIN C Vitamin C has long been in the treatment arsenal […]

Are You Pro or Anti-Inflammatory?

resolvins histamine inflammation flax seeds and oil on blue napkin

With all the conflicting information out there about which foods are pro- or anti- histamine, pro- or anti- inflammatory, it can be difficult to navigate the supermarket. Some anti-inflammatory foods can be high histamine (avocado, walnuts), and high histamine levels lead to inflammation. How do we know what to eat to resolve our chronic inflammation […]

NO Histamine Intolerance Inflammation

scuba tank on a beach representing NO and histamine

Nitric Oxide (NO). Such an important molecule that it was given “Molecule of the Year” status by the journal Science in 1992, nitric oxide was originally considered a hazardous gas that caused toxic effects in the environment. It was thought to be as harmful inside the body as it is outside the body. But, as […]

CRF1 stress receptor triggers immune system release of histamine

This holiday season please keep in mind that scientists have confirmed that stress triggers the immune system into releasing histamine. So if we want to eat more of the stuff we love, best to figure out how to manage it stress, or make wiser choices as we navigate this tricky season. If you’d like some […]

Skullcap Prevents Histamine Release & Helps Runny Nose

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chalk another one up to traditional medicine. Skullcap Baicalensis, a herb used in Chinese healing, has been used for over 200 years as a relaxant, to fight anxiety, and convulsions. Now we’re getting confirmation that it works to prevent runny noses triggered by mast cells and histamine, making it worth looking into for histamine intolerance. […]

What Is Histamine Intolerance (Healing It)

Back view of businessman with black umbrella and black cloud above

It A lot of people seem to miss that histamine isn’t just found in food, but also already in the body. A study published in the Spanish language journal Allergy & Immunopathology offers a really in depth look at what histamine intolerance is, how it compares to allergies, where it’s found, and how it can […]





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