Green Goddess Antihistamine & Anti-inflammatory Juice

Green Goddess Antihistamine & Anti-inflammatory Juice

This histamine-lowering quercetin rich juice appears in the Anti-Cookbook: High Nutrient Antihistamine & Anti-inflammatory Recipes for Health. You know how you take antihistamines for allergies? Well antihistamines are found in food too; especially in brightly coloured and leafy green ones (sorry, nope, not M&Ms). Having given up antihistamines last year, my focus has shifted to […]

Antihistamine Butternut Squash Soufflé (paleo & low oxalate)

Antihistamine shallot chutney

I came face to face with one of my greatest fears this last week: catastrophic hard drive failure with no current back up. The fallout wasn’t as unpleasant as I had anticipated – sure, I lost the final draft of a mega project I had just finished, but I got to spend a lovely week […]

Low oxalate low histamine diet – the missing link?

Decorative cabbage

The one last major symptom that can drive me to despair is chronic inflammation “down there”. Having eliminated wheat, gluten, dairy, all grains, all sugar but fruit, I’m a little stumped by what’s going on. Sure I know about the mast cell Interstitial Cystitis link (as per NIH funded Dr Theoharides) [1] but given that I […]

The Anti-Cookbook: Antihistamine & Anti-inflammatory recipes

The Anti-Cookbook: High Nutrient Antihistamine and Anti-inflammatory Recipes for Health cover

CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PURCHASE THE BOOK (Now also available in a Paleo version) Wondering why you’re still not feeling better, despite eliminating all the foods those lists tell you to? Have a niggling suspicion that losing all those high nutrient foods could be counter productive? Starting to worry that your five “safe foods” […]