This histamine-lowering quercetin rich juice appears in the Anti-Cookbook: High Nutrient Antihistamine & Anti-inflammatory Recipes for Health.
You know how you take antihistamines for allergies? Well antihistamines are found in food too; especially in brightly coloured and leafy green ones (sorry, nope, not M&Ms). Having given up antihistamines last year, my focus has shifted to eating them!
Benefits of this juice:
Apples are rich in histamine lowering quercetin and inhibit the development of allergies [1].
Spirulina inhibits histamine release from mast cells and possess anti-inflammatory and cancer fighting properties [2]. Particularly effective for allergic rhinitis [3] (also known as a stuffy nose!).
Chlorella is an antihistamine that works by preventing mast cells from releasing histamine [4].
Broccoli prevents cancer [5] and gastric mucosal damage [6].
Cucumber meanwhile is a natural pain killer and an antioxidant. Worried about thinning hair? Cucumber also prevents the body from making the highly inflammatory molecule prostaglandin [7] which (as I’ve previously posted) has been implicated in hair loss [8].
Green Goddess Juice
1 head broccoli
1 medium cucumber
3 medium apples
1 tbsp sized chunk fresh ginger
1 tbsp spirulina
1 tbsp chlorella
Juice the broccoli, cucumber, celery, apples and ginger.
Spoon in the spirulina and chlorella, stir well and enjoy!
It’s finally here! Man Food – a high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredient filled book geared towards guys, women who love to work out, yoga like they mean it, or just load up on healing nutrients. Features my personal shopping list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods.
The Anti-cookbook and all liquid Anti-Detox Book, don’t treat any conditions, but feature a plethora of the high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredients that have been instrumental in helping me feed myself on a limited diet. The Anti-cookbook features a six page list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods and comes in regular and Paleo.
The Low Oxalate Cookbook features antihistamine and anti-inflammatory rich recipes.
Don’t miss the Low Histamine Beauty Survival Guide for non-toxic beauty tips, the skinny on histamine releasing (mast cell degranulating) beauty ingredients, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory beauty alternatives and the top brands natural brands I’ve found.
Take a peek at my other low histamine and antihistamine cookbooks for more high nutrient recipes and sign up to my mailing list for freebies.
Please remember, even antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods can hurt us, please always exercise caution and consult a medical practitioner before adding new foods.
[1] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16081068
[2] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006295297006783
[3] http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/jmf.2005.8.27
[4] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12639395
[5] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0163725893900123
[6] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0378874189900883
[7] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc3019374/
[8] https://healinghistamine.com/the-allergy-hairloss-link-and-what-you-can-do-about-it/