Holy Basil! Anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine superstar
Not only is Holy Basil tasty in just about any Thai or Vietnamese dish – turns out it’s an anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine herb that’s as effective as Ranitidine/Zantac at treating H2 (histamine) induced ulcers, preventing mast cell degranulation and anaphylactic shock. How do’you like them apples? I like Holy Basil a lot better than them apples…but […]
Exercise is good for you, so why does it make you sick?
New studies show that aerobic exercise raises histamine levels. This isn’t news to me. When playing squash I have to take time outs to scratch myself silly and wait for the room to stop spinning. My man, now used to such bizarre-isms, plays against the wall for a while till it calms down again. I […]
Histamine’s upside: I lost 35kg (77lbs) in 6 months!
Got allergies? Homeopathic remedy reduces histamine-induced inflammation
I’m usually on the fence about homeopathic remedies. I’d love to believe they work, but have yet to see the studies backing up their claims. Today however I found a study showing that a homeopathic remedy, Rhus Toxicodendron, “significantly reduces” carrageenan induced inflammation in rats. As I mentioned in another post, carrageenan (irish moss) is […]
Unexplained weight gain? Dr. Oz blames hidden food allergies!
Ok here’s one I totally relate to. Dr. Mehmet Oz, on his show, recently explained how hidden food allergies can make you gain up to 30lbs (20kg) a YEAR. Here’s Dr. Oz on his show explaining how, when faced with an undiagnosed allergy whereby the good bacteria cannot process the food (I think maybe he’s […]
Fox News report on histamine intolerance covers mood/depression link!
Fox News is the first major player to cover histamine intolerance (histaminosis). Interestingly the link between histamine disorders and mood/depression are mentioned in the report. Check out the full story here.
Food additive sensitive ADHD kids may lack histamine-degrading HNMT enzyme
Children lacking the HNMT gene responsible (along with Diamine Oxidase) for degrading histamine in the body, are likely to suffer an increase in adverse reactions to food additives and colorings, which may exacerbate existing ADHD [1]. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing many more studies making a stronger case for food additives and colorings being […]
Histamine induced uterine contractions a danger in pregnancy.
Irresistible to the opposite sex? Histamine could be why!
Estrogen can cause major histamine release in the body. Now why would you want that? Because histamine makes you um, randy, and your biological imperative is to procreate. We shouldn’t really complain though,estrogen makes us more attractive to the opposite sex…but back to my point. Studies on female rats show that estrogen supplementation, or natural fluctuations […]
Vulvodynia, histamine, oxalates and diet
Is pain “down there” ruining your life? You’re not alone. Chronic “lady pains” were a hot topic at the hista-sista kvetch-sesh in Notting Hill yesterday. The abundantly histamine blessed ladies and I compared notes. The term “chronic pelvic inflammation” of idiopathic origin and vulvodynia came up quite a bit, as did its disastrous effect on […]