Gluten/Milk/Sugar Free (delicious) Low Histamine Cupcakes!

Check out these gluten/milk/sugar free and low histamine cupcakes. There’s no unhealthy fats, preservatives, flavours, really absolutely nothing but pure, nutritious, tasty ingredients. I’m definitely an excitable gal, but these took a few tries to get right, so I’m celebrating. I’m not a huge fan of stevia/yacon as sweeteners so I use agave. You could […]

I have histamine intolerance, are my thyroid meds making me sick?

THE LOW HISTAMINE CHEF MAILBAG I found this particular email very interesting given that I’ve been misdiagnosed with thyroid issues twice in my life before being finally diagnosed with a histamine related disorder (high histamine/histamine intolerance/histaminosis). I refused meds the first time but gave in on the second. What a weird, crazy ride Levothyroxine sent […]

Does having histamine intolerance mean you shouldn’t take probiotics?

Fermented foods are so off the menu for me histamine-wise that I don’t recognise them as food anymore. My last attempt, store bought coconut yoghurt (lactose free), bought me a whole lotta face-down pillow time as it worked it’s magic on my digestive tract. Ok, enough of the dirty talk. So what’s a histamine-challened gal […]

Histamine in Foods (list)

This week I had the pleasure of meeting Barcelona-based nutritionist Adriana Duelo. She has kindly allowed me to re-blog an article that was originally part of her nutritional thesis. Adriana’s research is regularly submitted to the prestigious SPANISH SOCIETY OF DAO DEFICIENCY  (of which she is also a member). Something that quickly caught my eye on Adriana’s […]

Jam Recipe for Low Histamine DAO Support Breakfast Bars

My typical weekday breakfast is half a mango wolfed down on my way to the tube, so I usually go for broke on the weekends. Yesterday, however, the sun was out and we decided our top priority was to get out and enjoy it. I whipped up a batch of the DAO Support Book Breakfast […]





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