Check in: yoga course, anxiety summit, hair dye!

It’s been a while since I checked in with myself and with all you lovely folk out there. Here’s what’s been happening: I spent the week before last shooting a number of cooking videos, an interview with a local British journalist (it was a fabulous disaster, more on that in an upcoming post), and a […]

Using the brain to heal the body

sharp ct scan of the human brain

Healing is truly a whole mind and body affair. As important as dietary changes have been, and in this case more so what I’ve added rather than eliminated, asking myself the right questions (at the right time) has been invaluable. I’m not talking about which supplement to take, or which healing protocol to follow, but […]

Love: nature’s anti-inflammatory

Hearts on red background

A few weeks ago I wrote about the role of toxic relationships on inflammation and illness in general. Why talk about inflammation rather than histamine? Histamine’s role in the body is to begin healing (and others) by causing inflammation in the body. When you have too much histamine in the body, there’s a ton of […]

Meditation: nature’s antihistamine


I’ve been practicing mindfulness/meditation in general on and off since the age of 18, but this time it stuck. I think because I truly committed to it and  finally understood the science behind it, namely that: Meditation is an antihistamine and a mast cell stabilizer [1] as well as a prostaglandin inhibitor [2]. It’s so […]

Meditation: antihistamine, mast cell stabiliser, epigenetic superstar

yasmina ykelenstam meditating on the beach in kenya

I really wanted to call this post: “How meditation saved my life (again and again).” You may have seen a number of my instagram photos of late – this among them…. Or heard me jabbering excitedly to friends about an orange, two oranges, a box of strawberries, two and now raspberries! Yes, I’ve added the […]

The antihistamine & anti-inflammatory diet wins!

the low histamine chef yasmina ykelenstam

Yes dear friends, it seems as though I’m winning the battle against my histamine intolerance/mast cell activation/whatchamacallit! So I had to park myself outside Whole Foods in London for a juicy celebratory selfie. You’ll notice I’m mugging it up with my top ally in the battle against chronic illness –  Mr Green. Ok, now let’s […]

Histamine reaction busting meditation


My Silva post a few weeks ago led to quite a few people asking for more details on how I used meditation to get me over the worst of my histamine reactions. Well, guess what? Last night was fairly unpleasant, well a little scary really, but I thought it would be a good time to […]

Game changer: the Silva Method

yasmina ykelenstam meditating on the beach in kenya

  Meditation has changed my life. It has helped me manage my mast cell activation symptoms, bizarre reactions to chemicals, dampen an explosive temper and get over the fear of food, and it’s certainly not an exaggeration to say that I have meditation to thank for minimising my food intolerances/reactions to food. How? Most likely […]

Interview: ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body’ author David R. Hamilton


I recently blogged about my success in stopping my mast cell mediated histamine itch (see bottom of post) through a visualisation I came up with after reading Hay House bestselling author and Huffington Post contributor David R. Hamilton’s ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body‘. He was kind enough to answer some questions about stress and […]

Histamine meditation


My Silva post a few weeks ago led to quite a few people asking for more details on how I used meditation to get me over the worst of my histamine reactions. Well, guess what? Last night was fairly unpleasant, well a little scary really, but I thought it would be a good time to finally show […]