Got allergies? You need this natural antihistamine in your medicine cabinet

Here’s an interesting headline for you: nightshade flower as effective a mast cell stabiliser as commonly prescribed sodium cromoglycate. This definitely brought a smile to my face, given that most of us in the allergic world only have to hear the word nightshade to run a mile in the opposite direction. It also confirmed that […]

5 top tips to kickstarting your histamine intolerance recovery

A lot of people ask me how I’ve got from total histamine intolerance breakdown to where I am. While I do believe my recovery is still a work in progress, I thought I’d share how a combination of militant food planning, 30 minutes of inflammation fighting yoga and daily chanting (OM!) have allowed me to reach a far […]

There’s more to the low histamine lifestyle than elimination!

UPDATE: there is a ton of misinformation flying around on the internet. I’m constantly flummoxed by how people will attribute feeling awful to chickpeas or a banana rather than the taco bell, potato chips or chocolate they also had. I have yet to see any scientific study showing high histamine content in chickpeas. On the […]

Low histamine recipes in 20mins (or less!)

Do you spend hours roaming the supermarket in search of a quick meal? Are you bored with eating the same five foods over and over? Would you like to whip up nutritious, low histamine recipes in 20 minutes (or less)? Then make sure you’re signed up to my  newsletter for an exclusive 10% discount on […]

The surprising link between allergies and migraines.

woman with head on fire

I suffered daily migraines for many years. At some point I finally came to the conclusion that my headaches, which made me bang my head against the wall on occasion, had something to do with my diet. I was vindicated by the person who diagnosed me with histamine intolerance in London, and now by the growing […]

Low histamine recipe challenge!

What recipe would you absolutely love to have low histamine-i-fied? Had a good think? Please post your requests on the Facebook Page and I’ll pick one to adapt. Keep in mind I’m not a miracle worker but I’m confident that I can whip up something low histamine and nutritious in its stead. No major junk […]

Surfing the crimson wave make you crazy? Could be histamine…

Tired of your man attributing every nuance of behavior to your menstrual cycle? Well, he could have a point, but you’d die before admitting it (yup that’s me I’m talking about). Well here’s a little nugget to wave under his nose. It’s not the menstrual cycle, it’s the histamine stupid! Japanese researchers have (re)confirmed that […]

Your own personal food histamine sensor? It’s almost here!

“The ultimate goal of the project is to produce detectors for expert and non-expert staff to assess when unhealthy levels of biogenic amines have accumulated in foodstuffs.” That means we’ll soon be able to measure the level of histamine at the dinner table! How incredible would that be? From the University of Brighton website… “They […]

Is your anti-histamine making you fat?

In last week’s post “Histamine’s upside: I lost 35kgs in 6 months” I mentioned the role of histamine in appetite suppression. I recently had a  conversation with a friend whose family member suffers from anorexia nervosa. I felt compelled to share that in my teens I too was thought to be anorexic. Food was hurting me […]

Holy Basil! Anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine superstar

antihistamine holy basil

Not only is Holy Basil tasty in just about any Thai or Vietnamese dish – turns out it’s an anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine herb that’s as effective as Ranitidine/Zantac at treating H2 (histamine) induced ulcers, preventing mast cell degranulation and anaphylactic shock. How do’you like them apples? I like Holy Basil a lot better than them apples…but […]





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