You know that perennial hot topic: juices vs. smoothies?
My new big thing this year is hedging my bets with what I’m calling a jui-cie – a juice/smoothie combo.
Those of you who follow my blog will have noticed pictures of me eating strawberries popping up here and there, as well as stories of oranges, grapefruits, all kinds of nuts and cacao – how? I’m getting ready to share it all with you – and this is a HUGE part of the recovery process for me – what I’ve been calling breakfast for the last few months: a super duper antihistamine and anti-inflammatory packed juicie.
What I’ll do is juice together all the really fibrous veggies and fruits (supposedly so I’m better able to absorb the vitamins) and then blend in handful after handful of super dark green leafy stuff – you know, the kind you know your body is gasping for.
I can actually feel the inflammation dissipate a few hours after having my daily infusion – no joke!

BIG GREENIE (low oxalate)
2 large apples
1 head broccoli
1 large cucumber
1 handful watercress
2 handfuls romaine
1 inch cube ginger
1 level teaspoon spirulina
2 handfuls arugula
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Take a peek at my low histamine and antihistamine cookbooks for more high nutrient recipes.
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Please don’t forget antihistamine, pain killing foods can still hurt us, so please always check with your doctor before adding new foods to your diet.