Histamine Intolerance GERD Solutions

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) or “acid reflux” is a common complaint among those with mast cell or histamine disorders. Many people think the only answer is a pharmaceutical drug –usually a histamine H2 blocker or a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI). While this approach may be necessary for some, I like to look at natural solutions […]

De-stress, Lower Histamine Naturally

Numerous studies have documented the role of stress hormones on mast cell activation and histamine release. Fighting that stress has been my number one priority for years now, and it should be yours too. Here’s a few fun ideas to turn a day at home into a mini spa experience to chill out your immune […]

Healing Histamine on a Budget

Addressing histamine intolerance and mast cell disorders doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Much can be accomplished simply by eating anti-inflammatory, antihistamine whole foods. You have to eat, anyway. And there are plenty of lifestyle choices that can help lower your histamine levels and promote healing. Here are some simple, lost-cost ways […]

Histamine Friendly Vitamin C Supplements

Vitamin C is a powerful antihistamine and antioxidant vitamin that’s great for histamine intolerance. It’s so important that when Vitamin C levels decrease, histamine levels increase alarmingly quickly. However, source matters. Here’s what to look for when shopping for Vitamin C. VITAMIN C FOR HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE Vitamin C is vital to the production of the […]

What Your Doctor Needs To Know About Histamine

One of the most frustrating things for a histamine intolerance sufferer is the lack of knowledge and understanding amongst medical doctors. Here’s a helpful list of histamine facts and concepts to share so that you and your doctor can work together to get you on the road to healing. WHAT IS HISTAMINE? Wikipedia has a […]

4 Things You Should Do Every Morning (When You Have Histamine Intolerance)

happy kid girl waking up in the morning in her bedroom with dog in bed

People often ask how to get started addressing their histamine intolerance. How you begin each day can make a huge difference in how you’ll feel the rest of the day. Start your day off right by following the suggestions below. DON’T RUSH TO BREAKFAST Unless you have a pre-existing condition or hypoglycemia, light fasting might […]

Histamine, Metabolism & Weight

One of the most frustrating histamine-related symptoms for a lot of people is the associated weight problems. And this can be either an inability to lose weight OR and inability to gain weight. If this is an issue for you, don’t despair. Certain whole foods may help. HOW HISTAMINE IMPACTS METABOLISM Metabolism is controlled by […]

Histamine & Caffeine Addiction

Did just looking at the above photo make your body quiver in anticipation?  Do you need coffee to make it through the day, but still react to it? Unfortunately, histamine may mess with your ability to tolerate caffeine, while brain fog and addictive tendencies make you constantly crave it. It’s not all in your head. Here’s […]

Histamine Involved In Diabetes & Kidney Disease

cross section of kidney's depicting kidneys diabetes and histamine

We already know diabetes and histamine are linked. And along with diabetes often comes diabetic nephropathy, the kidney damage that often occurs as a side effect of chronically elevated blood sugar. While searching for solutions, scientists came across the histamine H3 and H4 receptors as potential targets for therapies. HOW DIABETES IS LINKED TO HISTAMINE […]

Histamine, Wakefulness, & Sleep

histamine sleep shows a sea lion asleep on a bench

Ever reach for Benadryl during a sleepless night? Ever wonder why an antihistamine works so well? Let’s take a closer look at the link between histamine and sleep, and strategies to help you drift off peacefully. HOW HISTAMINE AFFECTS SLEEP Histamine receptors are located throughout the body, including the brain. These receptors are the reason […]





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