Bed Bug Poop Triggers Histamine

There may be a simple (but icky reason) for your uptick in symptoms while at home, especially while cleaning. One in five Americans has experienced a bed bug infestation, or knows someone who has, and that’s bad news for people with histamine intolerance according to a recent study on the pests and their histamine triggering […]

Healing Histamine on a Budget

Addressing histamine intolerance and mast cell disorders doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Much can be accomplished simply by eating anti-inflammatory, antihistamine whole foods. You have to eat, anyway. And there are plenty of lifestyle choices that can help lower your histamine levels and promote healing. Here are some simple, lost-cost ways […]

Finding the joy in histamine intolerance

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with histamine intolerance. The diet, the lifestyle, and the isolation can wreak havoc on the psyche, so it’s all that much more important to dig deep and find the motivation to try and break free of the chains of histamine and find a little happiness; if only […]

Ayurvedic Guduchi: Histamine Stabiliser

I’m always searching for new herbs and foods that have anti-histamine and mast cell-stabilising properties. This tropical plant, native to India, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka is used in Ayurvedic medicine and has been shown to be a mast-cell stabiliser. WHAT IS GUDUCHI? Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia) or Heart-Shaped Moonseed (or Giloy), is an herbaceous vine with […]

Histamine Friendly Vitamin C Supplements

Vitamin C is a powerful antihistamine and antioxidant vitamin that’s great for histamine intolerance. It’s so important that when Vitamin C levels decrease, histamine levels increase alarmingly quickly. However, source matters. Here’s what to look for when shopping for Vitamin C. VITAMIN C FOR HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE Vitamin C is vital to the production of the […]

Surviving Social Situations With Histamine Intolerance

As the weather gets nicer, many of us will be traveling to visit friends and relatives, attending graduation parties, weddings, family reunions, and other events. How to we navigate the buffet or the potluck without setting off a histamine reaction, or without standing out as the “person who isn’t eating”? Here are a few helpful […]

Beat Histamine Brain Fog

Woman's head hidden by a soft cloud

Even daily functioning can be difficult with histamine-induced brain fog and memory difficulties. While all that should improve as you heal and balance your body, here are some strategies for beating brain fog while working on it.  MNEMONICS Other mnemonics (memory devices) include attaching an image in your mind to a name. Picture someone named […]

Phycocyanin for Histamine Intolerance

Supplements for histamine intolerance are always hit or miss. Just because a food or supplement shows certain properties in medical studies, does not mean they will translate to humans, and we can absolutely be allergic or reactive to them. But when they work, they’re amazing, and so I’ll keep sharing the latest studies on emerging […]

How to Deal: Eating at the Office with Histamine Intolerance

Crazy businessman about to eat cellphone with a knife and fork while sitting at wooden office desk with coffee cup and other items

Dealing with the stress and limitations of a histamine intolerance diet can make it difficult to participate in the fun and camaraderie of office treats, take-out orders, and parties. Read on to learn how to deal, how to lower stress and inflammation at work, and how to join in the fun without the histamine hangover.  […]

What Your Doctor Needs To Know About Histamine

One of the most frustrating things for a histamine intolerance sufferer is the lack of knowledge and understanding amongst medical doctors. Here’s a helpful list of histamine facts and concepts to share so that you and your doctor can work together to get you on the road to healing. WHAT IS HISTAMINE? Wikipedia has a […]





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